Additionally, you will get WD Backup with WD Easystore, and WD Security with My Passport.
You will get WD Discovery with both of these drives. You can also format to ExFAT for a more cross-platform experience, though your mileage may vary. The recommended file system for each of these operating systems is– APFS on Mac, NTFS on Windows, and EXT4 on Linux. They both also work well on PlayStation and other gaming consoles. If you use another system like a Mac or a Linux distro, you need to reformat the drive to an eligible file system used on those computers. Compatibilityīoth of these portable drives are primarily intended for Windows. The models from 1TB to 3TB are less thick than the 4TB and 5TB models.
Storage Capacityīoth of these portable storage drives both offer the same storage capacity options, i.e. Common Features of WD Easystore vs My Passportīefore jumping into the distinct offerings of WD My Passport vs Easystore, you should first confirm the features that are common in both of them.